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The BlastON
Annual journal

CLICK TO Download our 1st edition

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  • Exclusive Interviews
  • In-depth scientific articles
  • Expert insights and much more

The BlastON Annual journal

CLICK TO Download our 1st edition

discover our journey

  • Exclusive Interviews
  • In-depth scientific articles
  • Expert insights and much more

World Blasting Innovators

october, 7, 8 and 9th, 2024 – OPORTO, PORTUGAL


october, 7, 8 and 9th, 2024 – OPORTO, PORTUGAL

Our Program

BlastON V - Online Conference

The BlastON IV - Online Conference is a must-attend event for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of explosives engineering and rock blasting. With six highly experienced international speakers and an innovative format compared to the previous three editions, this year it will be a real-time online conference, offering a unique opportunity to learn from the best in the industry, gain new perspectives, and discover the latest trends and technologies. From rock drilling and excavation to the safe and efficient use of explosives, BlastON IV provides an invaluable chance to expand your knowledge and network in our industry.

BlastON Annual Journal (2nd Edition)

The BlastON Annual Journal is the first digital distribution magazine produced by BlastON. It will feature a variety of articles including scientific papers, technical case studies, interviews, news, and relevant industry milestones from the beginning of 2020, with a focus on the year 2024. This magazine will provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the field of explosives engineering and rock blasting, making it an essential resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

BlastON TALKS - Webinars

BlastON TALKS are a series of online events featuring a single, highly experienced international speaker who shares their knowledge and expertise on various topics related to explosives engineering and rock blasting. The format is similar to BlastON IV - Online Conference, with a real-time online presentation and Q&A session. Attendees have the opportunity to interact directly with the speaker, providing a more engaging learning experience. BlastON TALKS offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn from respected professionals in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

BlastON Online Courses

BlastON Online Courses offers a series of independent online modules designed for professionals and students in the field of explosives engineering and rock blasting.

These short courses will cover a range of topics, from Geomechanics and Blasting, Operation and Drilling, Explosives Engineering, Blasting Engineering, to QA-QC. Students will have the opportunity to interact with instructors during the course, making it an engaging and interactive learning experience. These short courses are an excellent opportunity for professionals and students in the field of explosives engineering and rock blasting to expand their knowledge and skills.

BlastON Worldwide Video Competition

BlastON Worldwide Video Competition is a contest for blasting videos. The competition will feature three categories: underground, open-pit, and demolition. Criteria for selection will be transparent and qualitative. A panel of judges will evaluate each submission according to these criteria, and winners will be announced for first, second, and third place in each category, earning exciting prizes, which will be announced soon. This competition presents an incredible opportunity for professionals to showcase their work and expertise with others in the industry.

our mission is to impact!

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Industry leading
collaborating companies

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We believe the results of our actions can be measured by the numbers obtained, and it shows we are in the right path.
Nonetheless, we still have a lot to do, and we will be looking for the best strategies and tools to share knowledge, experiences and the best practices in the explosives engineering industry.

From Latin America to the World – Our goal is to share knowledge and experiences globally to encourage the development of the explosives engineering community, with technology, innovation, and safety in operations.

Free of Charge – We bring technical-scientific knowledge of the major international blasting and explosives engineering conferences to the entire online community, free of charge.

Inclusive Forum – The lectures and content presented at BlastON will be brought in several languages, depending on the preference of the speakers, and not exclusively English, reinforcing the multiculturalism of the community.

Click on the links below to see our previous editions of BlastON Annual Online Conference:

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To know more, visit our social media or send us an email. Thank you!

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